The CPG Guys

Omnichannel Leadership with Cornell's Dan Hooker & Karan Girotra and Kellanova's Clare Galvão

Peter V.S. Bond, Sri Rajagopalan & Bryan Gildenberg Season 1 Episode 357

The CPG Guys were joined for this episode by Karan Girotra, the Charles H. Dyson Family Professor of Management at Cornell University's SC Johnson School of Business, Dan Hooker, Senior Lecturer & Executive Education Program Director at the Cornell Johnson School plus Clare Galvão, Vice President of Customer & Channel Strategy at Kellanova.

This episode is sponsored by The "Omnichannel Leadership Program" being hosted June 10-13, 2024 at the Cornell Tech campus in New York City. To learn more about the program visit:

Follow Karan Girotra on LinkedIn at:
Follow Dan Hooker on LinkedIn at:
Follow Clare Galvão on LinkedIn at:

Our guests answer these questions about the Omnichannel Leadership Program:

  1. Dan, what was the impetus behind creating the OLP and how did CPG brands and retailers play a role in developing the curriculum?
  2. Karan, how do you go about developing the academic component of the program. You and your fellow academics present a great deal of research dispersed throughout the 3 day event.  What is new for the program this year?
  3. Dan, how do your Partner manufacturers and retailers also participate as presenters and participants in the program?
  4. Karan, what is the outcome that you are seeking to deliver to the participants and how does that inform the program design?
  5. Clare, you actually attended this course. What are some of the most valuable elements of the programs that you took away from being a participant? 
  6. Clare, you work for a CPG manufacturer that has been integral in designing the program and sending participants to it. Why is this important to your organization?
  7. Karan, what are you hearing from the past participants of the program as to the value that they have derived from OLP?
  8. Dan, when I attended the program, the CEO of Ahold Delhaize USA, Kevin Holt,  was part of the program, who are you industry speakers this year?
  9. Dan, What type of professional archetype should be interested in attending this program and what advice do you have to get them interested in learning more?

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