The CPG Guys

Serial Entrepreneurism with Happy’s Craig Dubitsky

Peter V.S. Bond, Sri Rajagopalan & Bryan Gildenberg Season 1 Episode 359

The CPG Guys are joined by Craig Dubitsky, a serial entrepreneur who created Eis Lip Blam, Hello oral care products and now happy Coffee (along with actor Robert Downey Jr.)

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We ask Craig these questions:

  1. Why don’t we start with when did the entrepreneurial spirit first take hold in your career and why has it become a habit for you?
  2. You founded eos 16 years ago. Why did you think lip balm was the category to disrupt and how did you seek to engage consumers in terms of product and message? 
  3. In 2012, you founded hello products. What about the oral care category told us you that it was ripe for delight?
  4. How did you seek to create a thriving culture at hello and were you concerned about how it might transform when you decided to sell the company to CP?
  5. After joining CP, you didn’t just fade into the sunset with a big bank account, you remained as Chief Innovation Strategist for nearly 3 years. What exactly were you doing and how did it help a 100+ year old company innovate for growth?
  6. I remember in Orlando, you posting both your email and your direct phone number for anytone to reach out. You are an incredibly accessible and responsive person. How has this served you in your professional pursuit?
  7. In the summer of 2023, you founded happy. What is happy, how are you seeking to delight people who consume coffee and why did you partner with a super hero to launch it?
  8. How are you leveraging today’s media ecosystem to drive happy’s success?
  9. What advice do you have for aspiring entrepreneurs based upon your vast experience to ensure that they position their business for maximum success?

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