The CPG Guys

Leader’s Leap with Remarkable Retail’s Steve Dennis

August 13, 2024 Peter V.S. Bond, Sri Rajagopalan & Bryan Gildenberg Season 1 Episode 405

The CPG Guys are joined in this episode by Steve Dennis, author of “Leaders Leap - Transforming Your company at the Speed of Disruption” and host of the Remarkable Retail Podcast.

Follow Steve Dennis on LinkedIn at:
Purchase Leaders Leap on Amazon:
Listene to the Remarkable Retail podcast on Spotify:

Steve answers these questions:

  1. Shift happens. What shifted in your life to make you change direction and ultimately to write the book Leaders Leap?
  2. In your book, you note that leaders are often too timid in their efforts to transform their businesses in an ear of rapid change. What is often the result of this timidity?
  3. The meat of your book focuses on seven leadership principles. We’ll go through them in our discussion. Why does a leader need to crush her/his own ego, getting humble & embracing vulnerability and wake up to accept new realities (not just using Google as a facsimile)?
  4. Great brands don’t chase customers, customers chase great brands. How does this quote exemplify the need for businesses to improve their targeting and why should they connect emotionally through memorable stories?
  5. How does thinking radically improve growth and success and why is playing it safe actually risky in business?
  6.  How does agility & innovation support success in an era of disruption?
  7. The culmination of the book is all about the Big Leap. Have you taken your own advice to break free of the retail corporate persona you have been cultivating in your career?
  8. Tell us about the Remarkable Retail podcast.

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Lara Raj on PopStar Academy:
Kavita's podcast: Spotify   Apple

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