The CPG Guys

Brand Growth in the Digital Era With Kellanova’s Nicole Vinson

August 15, 2024 Peter V.S. Bond, Sri Rajagopalan & Bryan Gildenberg Season 1 Episode 406

The CPG Guys are joined in this episode by Nicole Vinson, VP Global Digital, Media & Omni Shopper Experience at Kellanova. This episode was recorded at the Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity. Ajay Sharma, VP of eCommerce & Omnichannel at Bayer guest hosted this episode.

Follow Nicole Vinson on LinkedIn at:
Follow Kellanova on LinkedIn at:
Follow Kellanova online at:
Follow Ajay Sharma on LinkedIn at:

Nicole answers these questions:

  1. You have a career with ecommerce experience and even touched Xbox and CRM systems. Take us through the years and how you got to the leadership role you are in today? What advice would you give an entry level you?
  2. Retail media - 2020 bs 2024. What’s changed, how do you coach brands and sales teams on this?
  3. Capabilities - does digital content, images, videos all these mean anything anymore?
  4. You’ve been in ecommerce account development since day one Amazon. How has this evolved and how have you handled the evolution.
  5. What is digital transformation in a world where most are now Omnichannel trained? What are you advocating in the industry?
  6. AI - how are you approaching it?

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