The CPG Guys

Connected Commerce with Omnicom Media Group’s Joanna O’Connell & Flywheel’s Xian Wang

August 24, 2024 Peter V.S. Bond & Sri Rajagopalan Season 1 Episode 410

The CPG Guys are joined in this episode by Joanna O’Connell, Chief Intelligence Officer at Omnicom Media Group & Xian Wang, VP of Retail Insights at Flywheel. Joining PVSB in the hosting seats is Jacqui Dynowski of Flywheel.

Follow Joanna O’Connell on LikedIn at:
Follow Xian Wang on LinkedIn at:
Follow Jacqui Dynowski on LinkedIn at:

Download the new “Connected Commerce” white paper at:

Learn more about the CGT Sales & Marketing Summit Sept 23-25 in Princeton NJ:

Joanna & Xian answer these questions:

  1. Is the purchase funnel still relevant in today’s omnichannel world of marketing strategies for the consumer life cycle and what new considerations do brands need to consider? 
  2. Why do brands need to act faster and more intelligently in their media investments given the data-driven world of today? 
  3. How have retail media networks bridged the gap for brands in connected commerce?
  4. What are the core benefits for brands in a connected commerce world? 
  5. What challenges still remain for brands seeking to enter the retail media ecosystem? 
  6. What are the core considerations brands need to address as the shift to a connected commerce approach to marketing strategy? 
  7. How does creative play a critical role in connecting a brand to a shopper?
  8. What trends around Connected Commerce are you most focused on following right now? 

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